I. Purpose
The service and consumption of alcoholic beverages (alcohol) at University events must be conducted in a manner that complies with the law, and that demonstrates sensitivity to issues relevant to alcohol consumption, the effect of alcohol on academic performance, potential for a dependence on alcohol, the University’s legal liability, vandalism as it relates to alcohol abuse, the rights of persons over the age of 21 to consume alcohol, and social pressure to drink created by certain social situations. This policy is designed to ensure that members of the University community make informed decisions regarding alcohol. The University cannot and should not take responsibility for every decision made about alcohol by members of the University community; the University can set guidelines that establish a safe and legal environment in which those decisions can be made.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all University students, faculty, staff, and visitors, and to events at all University buildings and property.
III. Definitions
For purposes of this policy, the following terms are defined:
Alcoholic Beverage: Any beverage containing at least one half of one percent of alcohol by volume. In this policy, the terms “alcoholic beverage” and “alcohol” are interchangeable.
Beer: Malt beverages, including malt liquor, ale, porter, hard seltzer, and any other brewed or fermented beverage containing at least one half of one percent (0.5%) and not more than fifteen percent (15%) alcohol by volume.
Bring Your Own Beverage (BYOB) Event: An event at which an invitee may carry in Beer or Unfortified Wine for personal consumption; no other Alcoholic Beverage is available at the event.
Fortified wine: Any wine made by fermentation from grapes, fruits, berries, rice or honey, to which nothing has been added other than pure brandy made from the same type of grape, fruit, berry, rice, or honey that is contained in the base wine, and which has an alcoholic content of not more than 24% alcohol by volume.
Mixed beverage: A drink composed in whole or in part of Spirituous Liquor and served in a quantity less than the quantity contained in a closed package.
Permitted Facility: Any performing arts center located on property owned or leased by the University, or any stadium, athletic facility, or arena on the campus or property of the University if the Board of Trustees has voted to allow the issuance of alcohol permits for use at that stadium, athletic facility, or arena.
Sale of alcoholic beverage: Any exchange of something of value for an alcoholic beverage. Law enforcement authorities broadly interpret “sale of alcoholic beverages” to include such practices as charging admission to events where alcohol is served, requiring the purchase of tickets, or requiring donations or other exchanges in order to receive Alcoholic Beverages. Such exchanges are viewed as indirect payment for Alcoholic Beverages.
Spirituous liquor: Distilled spirits or ethyl alcohol, including spirits of wine, whiskey, rum, brandy, gin and all other distilled spirits and mixtures of cordials, liqueur, and premixed cocktails, in closed containers for beverage use regardless of their dilution.
Tailgating: The participation in a social event in a designated area where food and Alcoholic Beverages are brought by participants in conjunction with, and on the same day of, an athletic event on campus. Its purpose is to encourage responsible socializing and provide a safe environment for students, alumni and fans who attend UNC Asheville athletic events.
Unfortified wine: Wine that has an alcoholic content produced only by natural fermentation or by the addition of pure cane, beet, or dextrose sugar, and that has an alcoholic content of not less than six percent (6%) and not more than seventeen percent (17%) alcohol by volume.
University organization: Any recognized student organization or University departments or office.
IV. Background
The sale, possession and consumption of at the University of North Carolina Asheville must conform to the laws of North Carolina and the City of Asheville. North Carolina statutes on the sale, possession and consumption of alcohol can be found at Chapter 18B of the N.C. General Statutes. It is unlawful and a violation of this policy for any person under the age of twenty-one to purchase, possess, or consume Alcoholic Beverages. It is unlawful for any person to sell or give Alcoholic Beverages to anyone younger than twenty-one years of age or to aid or abet a person under the age of twenty-one to purchase, to attempt to purchase, or to possess any Alcoholic Beverage.
State law restricts the sale of any Alcoholic Beverage on UNC Asheville’s Campus. Any sale, possession, or consumption of alcohol on UNC Asheville property that does not comply with the requirements of this policy is not permitted.
Prepackaged caffeinated alcoholic beverages are prohibited on campus.
V. Possession and Consumption by Students of Legal Drinking Age
Students at least 21 years of age and their guests of at least 21 years of age may consume Alcoholic Beverages within their own private campus residence hall rooms, but not elsewhere, unless otherwise allowed by this policy. Such students are permitted to transport only unopened containers of Alcoholic Beverages to their private campus residence rooms, but those beverages are otherwise prohibited on the campus. All other service or consumption of alcohol on campus by students at least 21 years of age and guests of at least 21 years of age is prohibited, except as set forth below.
VI. Alcohol at University Events
There are four types of University events at which alcohol is permitted:
A) “BYOB Event,” B) “Service Event,” C) “Sale Event,” and D) “Tailgating.” Alcohol is not permitted at any event unless the sponsoring group has received approval from the appropriate office (based on the type of event).
A. BYOB Events
The following BYOB event restrictions and processes are intended to apply to University student groups and organizations. These provisions do not apply to BYOB events sponsored, organized, and facilitated by the UNCA Foundation, UNCA Alumni Association, Bulldog Athletic Association, or other non-University organizations for participation by groups other than University students. BYOB events planned and facilitated by non-University organizations at or within University facilities shall be governed by the Section B of this policy (Service Events) with the exception of that section’s prohibition against outside beverages.
1. BYOB Event Registration
Only University organizations may register for and sponsor an event where participants are allowed to bring their own Alcoholic Beverages [BYOB]. University organizations must submit an Event Request Form for approval to hold a BYOB event on campus at least 4 weeks in advance of any BYOB event. Event Request forms are available through Highsmith Student Union. Student organization Event Request forms must be approved by the Director of Highsmith Student Union and the Dean of Students, or their designees, to ensure all necessary requirements for the event have been met. For university departments or offices, the BYOB Event Request Form must be signed by their designated Dean/Director and the Dean of Students.
2. Policy Compliance
The organization sponsoring a BYOB event is responsible for policy compliance. Failure to comply with all elements of this policy and BYOB procedure may result in the loss of the privilege to sponsor a BYOB event and possible action through the Conduct Process (for students) as well as law enforcement (for both the organization and/or individual students).
Specifically, the sponsoring organization is responsible for:
- Appropriately registering the event according to this policy.
- Ensuring compliance with all elements of this policy, BYOB Procedure, other related policies and procedures.
- Designate an adequate number of members (as determined in advance by the Director or Associate Director of Highsmith Student Union, based on the anticipated size of the event) to monitor compliance at the event.
- Working with the Highsmith Student Union staff to ensure that only individuals of appropriate age possess or consume alcohol and that visibly intoxicated individuals do not possess or consume alcohol. Those who do not comply will be required to leave the premises. University police will be contacted when necessary.
- Working with the Highsmith Student Union staff to ensure attendance for the event does not exceed the applicable fire code.
- Ensuring that no drinking games or other activities that promote or encourage the rapid consumption of alcohol occur.
- Preventing any damage that could occur to the facility during a BYOB event.
- Controlling the size of the event to comply with all safety and occupancy standards.
- Complying with any directives from the designated BYOB event staff, Highsmith Union staff, University police or other University officials.
- Depending on the size and scope of the BYOB event, additional event security may be required at the event. This will be determined by the Director or Associate Director of Highsmith Student Union.
3. Permitted Amounts and Types of Alcoholic Beverages
The amount of Alcoholic Beverage a person (of legal drinking age) may bring to a BYOB event is four (4) twelve-ounce (12 oz) cans or bottles of malt beverage or four (4) 187-ml bottles of unfortified wine (4 pack mini-bottles). Hard liquor, fortified wines, standard bottled wines (not in a 4 pack mini-bottles) or spirits will not be permitted.
4. Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Food
Soft drinks and/or non-alcoholic beverages must also be made available to attendees and featured in the same location and during the same time as Alcoholic Beverages at BYOB events (this will be arranged by Highsmith Union staff once the event has received approval). Food must also be made available and must be more substantial than simply chips, etc. During the approval process, options for food can be discussed. The cost of food is covered by the sponsoring organization.
5. Event Promotion
Promotional materials must mention that the event is BYOB and must mention the maximum amounts and types of alcoholic beverages allowed. The primary focus of the program and promotion cannot be the BYOB component.
6. BYOB Locations
The approved BYOB locations for student events are The Grotto and the Blue Ridge Room in Highsmith Union. Faculty/staff events are permitted at The Grotto, Blue Ridge Room, Mountain Suites, and Alumni Hall in Highsmith Union, Lipinsky Lobby, and Laurel Forum in Karpen Hall.
7. BYOB Procedure
i. Event Staff
All Highsmith Union staff assigned to work a BYOB event will have completed training in alcohol awareness, responsible decision-making and event management (student staff may be under the age of 21, but at least 18).
ii. Age and Identification
All individuals attending a BYOB event, who bring or plan to consume alcohol must provide a government issued ID (students must also bring UNC Asheville ID) and obtain a numbered wristband from a BYOB Highsmith Student Union Staff Member at the event. All UNC Asheville students must be 17 years or older for admittance. When guests are permitted at a BYOB event, UNC Asheville students may bring up to 2 (two) guests, however the number of guests may be limited at the discretion of the Director of Highsmith Student Union and Dean of Students or their designee. Non-student guests of UNC Asheville students MUST be 18+ and have proper ID. Due to safety concerns, individuals younger than 17 years old are not allowed on premise for BYOB events.
iii. Required Wristbands and Punch Cards
All Alcoholic Beverages carried into the building/event must be in an opaque bag. No one may carry visible alcohol containers into the event or building.
In addition to the numbered wristband, all individuals who bring alcohol to a BYOB event will also receive a BYOB Event Punch Card that includes the following information:
- Event title & date
- Attendee’s name
- Attendee’s wristband number
- Type & Quantity of beverage they brought with them
iv. Alcohol Consumption
Upon arrival at the event, all Alcoholic Beverages must be immediately checked in at the concessions area and logged by the concessions server(s). All beverages at the BYOB event must be dispensed by the trained concessions server(s), who are University staff, including student staff (unless otherwise approved). A Highsmith Student Union staff member will use a hole punch to mark the card each time they serve a participant a beverage.
At the conclusion of the event, attendees age 21 or older who have checked in Alcoholic Beverages may take their remaining unopened beverages with them. All unopened beverages leaving the event must be carried in an opaque bag. No one may carry visible alcohol containers out of the event or building.
If it is determined that an event participant has provided alcohol to an underage person, both individuals will be asked to leave by Highsmith Student Union staff. University Police will be contacted and a citation and/or campus Student Conduct referral may result. University police will dispose of the individual’s remaining alcohol.
Event participants engaging in inappropriate or disruptive behavior and/or who appear intoxicated will be required to leave. University Police will be contacted and a citation and/or campus Student Conduct referral may result. University Police will dispose of the individual’s remaining alcohol. If there is reason to suspect that a person is highly intoxicated, University Police and EMS will be notified by Highsmith Student Union staff.
v. Event Conclusion
Upon the close of the event, the sponsoring organization will assist with the appropriate recycling of containers from the event, as well as any related cleanup as requested by the Highsmith Student Union and staff.
Any Alcoholic Beverages left at the conclusion of the approved BYOB event will be disposed of by the Highsmith Student Union and staff.
B. Service Events
Service events are those at which Alcoholic Beverages are provided to attendees by the event sponsor and there is no separate charge for the Alcoholic Beverage that is served.
Student organizations are not eligible to host service events on campus. (Student organizations who wish to host an on-campus event which will have alcohol present must utilize the BYOB program/location outlined in this policy.)
Each of the following requirements must be observed at a service event:
- No Alcoholic Beverage other than Beer or Unfortified Wine will be served or permitted at the event except by special permission and approval from the General Counsel.
- State law regarding purchase and transportation of Alcoholic Beverages to be served will be observed. Event sponsor is responsible for ensuring state law is observed.
- No person under the age of 21 years will be served or allowed to possess or consume Alcoholic Beverages at the event. Any person requesting an Alcoholic Beverage may be required to show legal proof of age.
- Persons who are noticeably intoxicated will not be admitted to the event. If a person becomes noticeably intoxicated at the event, they will not be served any Alcoholic Beverage and may be asked to leave the event or facility.
- Attendance at the service event is limited to those specifically invited and their guests accompanying them unless an alternative format has been approved in advance. Access to the event must be limited to invitees and controlled throughout the event. The event may not be open to the public. For outdoor events, special steps must be taken to control access and delineate the area for the event (e.g., tents with sides or other significant barriers); Persons attending service events are not permitted to carry in Alcoholic Beverages.
- Non-alcoholic beverages will be available at the same place as Alcoholic Beverages and featured as prominently as the Alcoholic Beverages.
- Food items will be provided, proportionate to attendance.
- Persons attending will not be permitted to carry in Alcoholic Beverages.
Service event locations are identified as: The Grotto, Blue Ridge Room, Sherrill Center; Greenwood Soccer Field; Kimmel Arena; Greenwood Baseball Field; Rhoades House; Janice W. Brumit Pisgah House; Laurel Forum; Tucker Gallery, Owen Hall; Red Oak Room, Ramsey Library; Mannheimer Room, Reuter Center; Advancement Conference Room and adjoining patio at the WT Weaver Complex; and Curry Courtyard/Phillips Hall patio. Other locations may be approved on a case by case basis by the General Counsel.
C. Sale Events
Sale Events are those at which alcoholic beverages are sold at a charge to attendees. Sales may occur at an event sponsored by an alumni organization that is conducting the event for fundraising purposes or at a permitted facility. All sales must be made in accordance with North Carolina law.
Each of the following requirements must be observed at a Sale event:
- Alcoholic beverages are to be sold and dispensed only at designated stationary locations.
- Alcoholic beverages may not be sold by vendors within seating areas.
- A valid ID is required for each transaction.
- Alcoholic beverage sales are limited to beer and wine only.
- No more than one alcoholic beverage may be purchased at one time by an individual.
- Alcohol must be dispensed into cups.
- The possession or consumption of outside alcohol or alcohol not sold at the event is prohibited.
- Alcohol will not be served to attendees who are visibly intoxicated.
The Board of Trustees has voted to allow the issuance of alcohol permits for use at Greenwood Soccer Field, Kimmel Arena, and Greenwood Baseball Field.
D. Tailgating Events
- Tailgating qualifies as a BYOB event under this policy, with the exception of the need to submit an Event Request Form.
- Tailgating shall apply only to UNC Asheville athletic contests and may begin no more than three (3) hours before game time. All consumption of alcohol must end at game time. Tailgating involving alcohol will not be permitted during the games, halftime or after the games.
- Individuals must be 21 years of age or older to consume Alcoholic Beverages. Consumption of alcoholic beverages by those 21 years of age or older is permitted only in designated tailgating areas.
- All individuals consuming alcohol must wear a wristband issued by University staff members and/or representatives at a marked location. Proper identification must be shown in order to receive a wristband. Acceptable forms of identification include a driver’s license or passport. Beverages approved for tailgating include, and are limited to, beer and unfortified wine.
- No sale of any Alcoholic Beverage by attendees will be permitted.
- No kegs are permitted at tailgating activities. A keg is a container that holds or is capable of holding more than one gallon of beer or unfortified wine at a single time. Public display of alcohol is discouraged. Use of plastic containers is encouraged for the consumption of all beverages.
- Tailgating policy signs are posted at the entrance and exit of all tailgating lots.
- Portable restrooms will be provided for participants (when needed).
- No outside food or drink is allowed inside UNC Asheville sports venues.
- Staff members will provide information to individuals in the tailgating lot on the University’s alcohol policy and state laws governing alcohol consumption in those areas. Staff will be on call to assist University Police in resolving violations of the University alcohol policy and state laws.
- All individuals participating in tailgating activities are responsible for proper disposal of their trash and other debris. Recycling containers will be provided.
- At game time, University staff members and/or representatives will remind all individuals in the tailgating areas of the restrictions on alcohol consumption after the game begins. At that time, staff will encourage all individuals to leave the lot and move into the gym at the start of the game.
- Non-alcoholic beverages and food items must be available at all social functions where alcohol is served.
- The sponsoring group will be responsible for setting a beginning and ending time for all activities where alcohol is served.
- Service of alcohol must be discontinued for a reasonable period of time prior to the anticipated end of the event or function.
VII. Event Restrictions
Student fees and state funds collected by the University may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.
Programmers of social events may not advertise alcohol for on-campus events, other than to state whether it is BYOB.
Unless special circumstances allow, events held prior to 12:00 pm (noon), will not be allowed to serve Alcoholic Beverages. Special circumstances include, but are not limited to, athletic tailgate functions for events that begin prior to 2:00 p.m. Alcohol should not be served at events in open spaces or academic spaces when classes are in session or during exam periods of the regular academic year. Exceptions may be granted by the General Counsel.
The use of a bartender or other professional server to dispense alcohol is required for functions of fifty (50) persons or more, except at BYOB and tailgating functions.