I. Purpose
Parking Services, which reports to University Police within the Division of Student Affairs, is responsible for the oversight and implementation of parking policies and regulations at the University of North Carolina Asheville.
A. Vehicle registration
Per this policy, all vehicles parking on the UNC Asheville campus must have a valid parking permit.
B. Enforcement of the regulations contained herein
These regulations are designed to establish guidelines for parking and traffic control that enhance the safety and welfare of the University. The Board of Trustees of UNC Asheville has adopted the regulations contained herein as the official policy of the University.
II. General Provisions
A. Definitions:
- Abandoned Vehicle: A motor vehicle that has remained illegally on private or public property for a period of more than 10 days without the consent of the owner or person in control of that property, under North Carolina General Statute 20-137.7.
- Academic Year: The period of time from the beginning of the fall semester of one calendar year until the beginning of the fall semester of the next ensuing year.
- Normal Business Hours: Monday – Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. when classes are in session (including summer sessions). Weekends, class breaks (winter, spring), and other days of recognition where there are no academic functions taking place are considered outside of normal business hours.
- Access Aisle: The road space adjacent to all curb cuts built for wheelchair access from the street to the sidewalk and the space adjacent to each disability parking space identified by white or blue diagonal lines.
- Alternative Fuel Vehicle: Any dedicated, flexible-fueled, or dual-fueled vehicle designed to operate on at least one alternative fuel, including, but not limited to, electricity, hydrogen, ethanol, compressed natural gas, or biodiesel.
- Bicycle: A device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, and supported by either two tandems or three wheels.
- Boot: A vehicle immobilization device that prevents movement of a vehicle when placed on the wheel of a vehicle.
- Bus Stop: Any location designated by signage at which transit buses, school buses, shuttles, or other large vehicles stop for passengers to alight and board. Any motor vehicle, motorcycle, moped/scooter, or bicycle parked illegally in a bus stop may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
- Campus: All property located in and around Asheville, North Carolina, that is owned by the State of North Carolina and that is under the supervision of the Board of Trustees of UNC Asheville.
- Crosswalk: That portion of a roadway ordinarily included within the prolongation or connection of the lateral lines of sidewalks at any portion of a roadway distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface of the roadway or by signage.
- Employee: Faculty members (including non-salaried visiting faculty); research, teaching, associate, or post-doctoral employees; re-employed retirees; administrative officers; extension personnel; clerical personnel; interns; and all other non-student employees of the University employed part-time or full-time as permanent EHRA, SHRA, or temporary employees.
- Facility User: A person who is neither an employee of UNC Asheville nor a student, who frequently utilizes facilities on the UNC Asheville campus, including but not limited to, recreation facilities, athletic facilities, or the D. Hiden Ramsey Library.
- Fire Lane: Any area specifically marked, striped, signed, or designated where vehicles are prohibited from parking, and/or any area in which direct and immediate access to a fire hydrant or fire fighting apparatus would be blocked by a parked vehicle.
- Intersections: The area embraced within the prolongation of the lateral curb lines or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of two or more highways, streets, or roadways that join one another at any angle, whether or not one such highway, street, or roadway crosses the other.
- Low-Speed Vehicle: A four-wheeled vehicle whose top speed is less than 20 miles per hour. This includes but is not limited to, golf carts and golf cart-type utility vehicles.
- Moped/Scooter: A vehicle that has two or three wheels, no external shifting device, and a motor that does not exceed 50 cubic centimeter piston displacement and cannot propel the vehicle at a speed greater than 30 miles per hour on a level surface, as defined by North Carolina General Statute 105 164.3 capable of carrying a rider and which is currently exempt from North Carolina motor vehicle registration and licensing regulations. A motorcycle safety helmet is required by law when operating a moped/scooter on North Carolina highways. For the purpose of these regulations, a moped/scooter shall be deemed a vehicle.
- Motor Vehicle: Any motor-powered vehicle including automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles, which must be registered under State motor vehicle registration laws and for which license plates are required by State law for operation on streets, highways, and roadways of this State.
- No Parking Zone: Any area not specifically marked, striped, or designated for parking.
- Operator: Every individual who operates a vehicle as the owner thereof, or as the agent, employee, or permittee of the owner, or is in actual physical control of a vehicle.
- Parking Area: Any place or area set aside, marked, or intended for parking of a vehicle, either permanently or temporarily.
- Registered Vehicle: Any vehicle registered with the UNC Asheville Public Safety by means of the purchase of a parking permit. Public Safety has the sole responsibility for issuance of parking permits.
- Reserved Parking Space: Any parking space, which is marked for a specific University parking permit, permit type, user, or use. Reserved parking spaces shall include visitor-only parking areas and areas designated for 15-minute, 30-minute, and 24-hour reserved parking.
- Service Vehicle Parking Zone: Any space, drive, or area indicated by signage and/or lines and/or painted wording reserving it for the use of police, fire, ambulance, or similar emergency vehicles; commercial or business vehicles engaged in delivery, loading or unloading, or service to University equipment or personnel when such vehicle is conspicuously marked with signs indicating its purpose or ownership; and State-owned vehicles assigned to maintenance or delivery functions or in the process of loading or unloading.
- Sidewalk: All property along or by any street, highway, or roadway that is intended for pedestrian use and that lies between the curb line or lateral line of any street, highway, or roadway, and the line at which the use of property for purposes other than pedestrian traffic ends.
- Street, Highway, or Roadway: The entire width of every way or place of whatever nature designated or marked by proper authorities for vehicular traffic.
- Student: A person registered for full- or part-time academic study, including special students on the undergraduate or graduate level, other than staff members at the University.
- Temporary Employee: A person hired to fill non-permanent positions, normally on a short-term basis.
- Vehicle: Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon fixed rails or tracks; provided, that for the purpose of these regulations, bicycles will be deemed vehicles, and every rider of a bicycle on the campus will be subject to the provisions of these regulations. This term shall not include a device designed for and intended to be used as a means of transportation for a person with a mobility impairment, or who uses the device for mobility enhancement, including on sidewalks, and is limited by design to 15 miles per hour.
- Vendor: Any person on the campus of UNC Asheville who is neither an employee of the University, nor a student, but is providing a service for the campus.
- Visitor: Any person on the campus of UNC Asheville who is neither an employee of the University, nor a student, nor a facility user.
- Unregistered Vehicle: Any vehicle not registered with UNC Asheville Public Safety by means of the purchase of a parking permit.
- Walk or Walkway: A way designated or marked by proper authorities for primary use by pedestrians, whether along a street or roadway or not.
B. Regulating, Delegating of Authority:
The Chief of Police, acting pursuant to the authority vested by the Board of Trustees, will exercise discretion and authority to assure the proper conduct of the University’s necessary business and the effective utilization and control of the available parking areas and facilities on the University’s campus for the benefit and maximum convenience of visitors, students, and employees.
The Chief of Police is authorized to issue exceptions to these regulations, to issue temporary regulations, and to suspend enforcement of parking regulations to allow for the benefit and maximum convenience of visitors, students, and employees. The Chief of Police retains the right to authorize or deny the use of, or closing of, campus streets and parking lots. The Chief of Police retains the right to remove vehicles from closed streets and/or parking lots.
The Chief of Police may suspend parking regulation enforcement to accommodate special events on campus. Exceptions to regulations, temporary regulations, and enforcement suspensions are valid only for the time and manner specified and will not be considered precedent for future situations.
C. Posting Notice of Regulations:
The Chancellor, through their designated administrative officers, shall cause to be posted a public notice of these regulations on the campus of UNC Asheville. Once posted, unless otherwise stated, these regulations are in effect at all times.
D. Publication of Regulations:
- The Chancellor, through their administrative officers, shall cause copies of these regulations issued pursuant hereto to be printed and made available to students, visitors, and employees of the University.
- Filing of RegulationsA certified copy of these regulations, except temporary police regulations, shall be filed in: The Office of the President of the University of North Carolina; the Office of the Chancellor of UNC Asheville; the Office of the Secretary of the State of North Carolina; the Office of Public Safety; and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
E. Liability:
UNC Asheville assumes no liability or responsibility for damage or theft to any vehicle parked on University properties. The provisions of these regulations shall apply to all operators of all vehicles, public and private, and they shall be enforced 24 hours a day except where otherwise specified by these regulations.
The operator of any vehicle shall obey the lawful instruction of any law enforcement officer and/or parking enforcement officer, and all official traffic signs or control devices appropriately placed in accordance with the provisions of these regulations.
F. Rules of Evidence:
When a vehicle is found to be in violation of these regulations, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that the vehicle was parked by:
1. The person to whom the University parking permit for the vehicle is registered; If no parking permit has been issued for the vehicle, the person, company, corporation, or firm in whose name the vehicle is registered with the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles or the corresponding agency of another state or nation; or
2. The prima facie rule of evidence shall not apply to the registered owner of a leased or rented vehicle when said owner can furnish evidence that the vehicle was leased or rented to another person at the time of the parking violation. In such instances, the owner of the vehicle shall, within a reasonable time after notification of the parking violation, furnish Parking Services with the name and address of the person or company who leased or rented the vehicle.
G. Driver Responsibilities and Space Availability:
The driver of the vehicle is responsible for finding an authorized parking space. Lack of convenient parking space, mechanical problems, inclement weather conditions, or other issues, are not considered valid excuses for failure to comply with these parking regulations. A parking permit does not guarantee the holder a parking space in any particular lot.
H. Trust Accounts:
All monies received from parking fees and penalties imposed by these regulations, as well as any parking impact fees, shall be placed in trust accounts and may be dispersed only in accordance with the law.
I. Law Enforcement Regulations:
Vehicle operation and parking may be prohibited under emergency and/or other law enforcement operational necessities. It shall be unlawful for any person to violate law enforcement instructions related to this section. A University Citation or a North Carolina Uniform Citation may be issued for violation of this regulation.
1. Traffic Regulations
Speed Limit: It is unlawful to operate a vehicle on designated streets and roadways of the campus in excess of 20 mph unless otherwise posted. It is unlawful to exceed a safe speed in all other vehicular areas of the campus.
2. Moving Traffic Violations:
All motor vehicle laws of the State of North Carolina are enforced by University Police, in addition to all traffic regulations approved by the Board of Trustees. University Citations or North Carolina Uniform Citations may be issued for violations of moving traffic laws. University traffic citations may be appealed through the appropriate UNC Asheville conduct process. North Carolina Uniform Citations are adjudicated through the North Carolina Court System.
3. Official Signs:
The Chief of Police shall be the University official charged with overseeing the establishment of signs governing parking control, traffic control, and/or general wayfinding as called for by these regulations. When signs are erected, placed, or installed, no person shall drive or otherwise operate a vehicle on the UNC Asheville campus except in accordance with these official signs. It is unlawful for any person to deface, damage, tamper with, break, destroy, impair the usefulness of, remove, relocate, steal, or in any way injure any official sign erected by UNC Asheville. Possession of any such sign shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this regulation.
4. Interference with Traffic:
It is unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to park in such a manner as to interfere with normal vehicular or pedestrian traffic on the campus.
Traffic may be temporarily restricted or rerouted as necessary by construction, emergency situations, and special events. UNC Asheville sawhorses, barricades, cones, and/or other traffic control devices placed for blocking of spaces and/or parking lots are not to be moved except by authorized personnel. Violations of this nature could result in a fine and the vehicle being towed at the driver’s expense.
For violating this regulation, a University Citation or a North Carolina Uniform Citation may be issued, and the vehicle may be towed at the driver’s expense.
5. Crosswalks:
Pedestrians have the right-of-way while in a crosswalk. All crosswalks will be designated by signage and/or diagonal lines on the road surface or by brick-paved sections of the roadway. Parking or loading and unloading in crosswalks are prohibited. A University Citation or a North Carolina Uniform Citation may be issued for violation of this regulation, and the vehicle may be towed at the driver’s expense.
6. Sidewalks and Walkways:
Motor vehicles, bicycles, scooters/mopeds, skateboards, roller skates of any kind, roller blades, mechanically propelled skateboards, and similar devices are prohibited on campus sidewalks and walkways. A University Citation may be issued for violation of this regulation.
J. Motor Vehicle Registration
1. Vehicle Registration Requirements:
Any eligible students or employees who wish to register a motor vehicle and purchase a parking permit must complete the appropriate online registration process.
Only one parking permit may be registered to a vehicle. Parking permits are non-transferable between vehicles or people. Individuals wishing to register more than one vehicle must purchase an additional parking permit for each vehicle he/she intends to park on campus.
Any student or employee who knowingly allows the use of their parking permit for any purpose other than the intended use will have their parking privileges revoked.
2. Unregistered Vehicles:
A vehicle’s registered owner will be held financially responsible for citations issued to vehicles not properly displaying a valid parking permit while parked on the UNC Asheville campus.
K. General Parking Regulations
1. Methods of Parking:
All students, employees, and visitors must purchase a decal to park on campus during normal business hours.
All UNC Asheville parking permits expire on July 31 at 11:59 p.m. of each year. New permits for each new academic year must be displayed no later than the first day of classes.
Parking lots shall be defined by appropriate signage. Parking spaces in unpaved lots will be marked by signage and/or wheel stops. When parking spaces have been designated, vehicles shall be parked within the spaces so designated at all times.
It is unlawful at any time to occupy portions of more than one space when such is defined by painted lines or to park in any portion of an area not clearly designated for parking. When parking spaces are parallel to a curb or dividing median, vehicles shall be parked with the front of the vehicle facing the direction of travel authorized for that side of the street or driveway and in a manner that no portion of the vehicle is at a distance greater than 12 inches from the curb.
Vehicles shall park in a manner in which their license plate can be seen from the travel lane from which they arrived. Vehicles displaying only one license plate shall not back into parking spaces.
2. Disabled Vehicles:
Use of University parking decks or lots to facilitate vehicle repair, maintenance, or customization shall be strictly prohibited without prior authorization from the Parking Services office. Vehicles must be fully operable, completely assembled, supported by inflated tires, and not supported by blocks, jacks, or similar supports. Any damage to University property as a result of such use shall be billed back to the vehicle owner or parking permit holder.
3. Abandoned or Derelict Vehicles:
University Police will attempt to contact the registered owner of any vehicle parked on campus that appears to be derelict or abandoned. When a vehicle is declared to be derelict or abandoned on any property under the control of UNC Asheville, University Police shall place a tag on the vehicle as notice to the owner, the person in possession, or any lien holder of the vehicle, that it has been declared abandoned. Vehicles not moved within 72 hours of being so tagged shall be towed from the property and the registered owner shall be notified that the vehicle is being held in accordance with NC G.S 20-137.7.
4. General Parking Zones:
Any person parking a motor vehicle in the parking lots and areas described in this section must possess a valid and appropriate permit for that lot or parking area during those days and hours specified at the entrance to such lots or areas. Any vehicle parked without a valid and appropriate permit is subject to the issuance of a University Citation, vehicle immobilization/booting, and/or towing.
It is unlawful to park a motor vehicle within any zone other than the one authorized by a permit. Vehicles with a valid special permit obtained through the Parking Services office may park as indicated by use of those permits and their related restriction.
5. Thirty Minute Parking:
A vehicle does not need a permit to park in a time-limited parking space, but they are monitored at all times. Vehicles exceeding the posted time limit may be issued a University Citation. Ticketing can occur after the posted time limit and each additional interval that the vehicle remains in the space.
6. Fire Lanes:
No person shall park a vehicle, whether attended or unattended, within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or in any area designated as a fire lane. Vehicles found in violation are subject to citation and immediate tow.
7. No Parking Zones:
No person shall park a vehicle, whether attended or unattended, in any area designated, whether by signs or yellow painted curbs, as a No Parking Zone. In addition to those areas designated by signage, or painted curbs as No Parking Zones, any area not specifically marked, striped, or designated for parking shall be considered a No Parking Zone.
8. Bus Stops:
When Bus Stop signs are erected, placed, or installed upon any street or roadway, the operator of a vehicle shall not park a vehicle in this area. A University Citation or a North Carolina Uniform Citation may be issued for violation of this regulation, and the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense.
9. Motorcycle and Scooter/Moped Parking:
Motorcycles and scooters/mopeds are subject to the same traffic and parking regulations as motor vehicles, and as such, must be registered. Operators of motorcycles and scooters/mopeds are required to purchase a motorcycle parking permit and must park in spaces designated for motorcycle parking. Vehicles other than motorcycles or scooters that park in designated motorcycle spaces shall be cited. Motorcycles and scooters/mopeds are prohibited on all campus walkways and sidewalks, and may not be parked in bicycle racks.
10. Bicycle Parking:
Bicycles must be parked in bicycle racks located outside academic buildings, residence halls, and throughout campus. Bicycles may not be ridden on sidewalks at any time.
Bicycles cannot be parked blocking walkways or attached to trees, signposts, handrails, or any other piece of University property other than bicycle racks. Bicycles that are repeatedly parked illegally, or appear to be abandoned, may be temporarily locked in place or confiscated by police officers or University officials.
UNC Asheville shall assume no liability for damages to bicycles, bicycle locks, and/or other bicycle equipment that may occur during confiscation. Bicycles that have been locked in place or confiscated and are not claimed within thirty calendar days shall be disposed of in accordance with North Carolina General Statute.
L. Student Parking Regulations
A. Resident Student Parking:
Resident students must park in either Resident lots or All Permit lots.
B. Non-resident Student Parking:
Non-resident students must park in Non-Resident lots or All Permit lots.
C. First-Year Student Parking:
First-year students are those who have yet to meet or exceed 30 earned credit hours. This includes transfer students who are classified as first-year students by the Office of the Registrar.
Those students are required to purchase a First-Year Parking permit and are restricted to specific parking lots on campus. Those lots are identified on the Parking Services’ website.
M. Employee Parking Regulations
All employees must possess a valid and appropriate permit and park in lots specifically designated for Faculty/Staff, Non-Resident, or All Permit parking. Employees are not permitted to park in Resident student lots.
There are no specific lots assigned to certain buildings or departments. All parking is on a first-come, first-served basis.
N. Other Parking Regulations/Special Parking Permits
A. Visitor Parking:
A visitor is any person on the UNC Asheville campus who is neither a student, OLLI member, service personnel, Board of Trustees member, facility user, faculty member, staff member, temporary employee, nor adjunct faculty member. Visitors must possess a valid and appropriate permit and park in lots specifically designated for visitors.
B. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessible Parking:
All valid disability placards or license plates, as defined by NC G.S. 20-37.6, will be honored on campus. However, disability placards or license plates may not be used in lieu of a valid UNC Asheville parking permit. Vehicles displaying a disability placard or license plate may park in any space designated for disability parking, or if none is available, in any faculty/staff or student space. Emergency or fire lanes, service vehicle spaces, reserved spaces, and No Parking Zones may not be used for ADA accessible parking.
Persons displaying a state-issued temporary disability placard are entitled to the same parking considerations and restrictions as those displaying permanent disability placards or license plates.
C. Service Vehicle and Vendor Parking:
Vehicles parked in designated service vehicle spaces (including product and/or service vendors) must be a University-owned vehicle or must have a Vendor/Service Vehicle permit displayed and used consistent with the regulations outlined below.
Contractors directly associated with an on-campus building or construction project must get permits via the appropriate Contract Manager in Campus Operations/Facilities Management. Vendor permits shall not be used in lieu of a general parking permit and should only be used temporarily when conducting necessary duties.
D. Board Member Parking
Board Member permits shall be issued annually to members of the Board of Trustees and/or the University Foundation Board. These permits shall allow their holder to park in any lot designated as faculty/staff parking (refer to the UNC Asheville Campus Map for specific lot numbers and locations).
F. Other Parking:
P-34, (near Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church) on Edgewood Road has special policies governing its use. Please refer to the Parking Services Office for these restrictions.
O. Parking Permit Pricing/Displaying Parking Permits
Parking rates shall be set following the tuition and fee schedule and presented to the Board of Trustees annually. Specific information regarding the current year’s rates can be found on the Parking Services website.
All students, employees, and facility users who park on UNC Asheville property must possess a valid and appropriate permit. Any person wishing to register more than one vehicle may purchase additional permits at a reduced cost. Current parking permit holders who may need a temporary parking permit due to extenuating circumstances should contact the Parking Services Office.
A. Temporarily Removed, Stolen, Altered, or Falsified Parking Permits:
Any student, employee, or any other permit holder who transfers a permit to another vehicle or another individual or who knowingly allows the use of their parking permit for any purpose other than the intended use will have their parking privileges revoked. Possession of or displaying a parking permit that has been stolen, defaced, removed from a vehicle, altered, or reproduced, or possession of a permit for a parking area other than the classification of the permit holder is prohibited and will result in a fine of $100 and/or the revocation of parking privileges.
B. Displaying Specialized Parking Permits:
Defaced, altered, reproduced, forged, counterfeited, or unauthorized possession of specialized permits will result in a $100 fine and/or loss of parking privileges. State-owned vehicles are not required to display a parking permit.
Hangtags and any other hanging permit, permanent or temporary, must be hung from the rearview mirror with the printed side facing outward toward the windshield so that all information is visible from outside the vehicle. Obstructions preventing the clear visibility of hang tags will result in a citation for “Improper Display of Permit.” Decals must be peeled and affixed to the lower or upper driver’s side rear window (do not place over rear window wiring for rear defroster), with the permit number and expiration date clearly visible and facing outward. Permits designed to be displayed on the dash of a vehicle shall be placed on the driver’s side dash so that all information is visible through the windshield.
III. Enforcement
A. Parking Violations:
Persons or vehicles found in violation of the regulations governing traffic, parking, and the registration of motor vehicles for use on the campus of the UNC Asheville will be issued a citation, with penalties as indicated on the citation. No person shall park a vehicle on campus except in spaces marked or designated for parking. Parking violations for which citations will be issued include, but are not limited to:
Blocking Access Area | Falsified Information |
Blocking Travel Lane | Fire Hydrant or Fire Zone |
Boot Removal Fee | Handicapped Zone |
Careless/Reckless Driving | Improper Display of Permit |
Disregarding a Stop Sign | Misuse of Permitting System |
Encroachment of Two Spaces | Moving/Tampering Traffic Device |
Exceeding Posted Speed Limit | No Valid Permit |
Exceeding Time Limit | Parking Against the Flow |
Failure to Heed Officer | Unauthorized Parking Zone |
Failure to Yield to Pedestrian | License Plate Obscured/Backed into Space |
Please note: current year’s fines can be found on the Parking Services website.
B. Vehicle Immobilization:
University Police officers and parking enforcement officers will utilize a tire immobilization device (boot) to immobilize habitual parking offenders’ vehicles. A boot may be applied to any vehicle operated by an offender who has received four or more paid or unpaid parking citations within the current academic year. Police and parking enforcement officers employed by Public Safety will have the authority to boot vehicles on property owned by, leased by, or in the control of UNC Asheville. Vehicles will remain immobilized until payment of citations and boot removal fee is received. If payment is not received within 48 hours of placement of the boot, the immobilized vehicle may be towed from University property.
C. Towing:
Vehicles are subject to being towed off campus without notice at the owner’s or driver’s expense for violations including, but not limited to:
- Receiving two or more boots within the current academic year.
- Impeding the proper ingress or egress of an emergency vehicle or another vehicle from lawful parking spaces.
- Impeding proper access to dumpsters, service zones, construction areas, or materials.
- Parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
- Parking in a Tow-Away Zone or Fire Zone.
- Parking without authorization in an area reserved by a cone or barricade.
- Parking in an intersection or street, sidewalk, walkway, or crosswalk.
- Impeding access to any building, loading zone, sidewalk, curb, ADA-accessible parking space, or access aisle.
- Parking without authorization in an ADA-accessible parking space.
- Parking when privileges have been revoked.
- Leaving an abandoned or disabled vehicle on campus.
- Parking in a time-limited space for longer than the posted time limit.
- Parking in a Bus Stop.
- Unauthorized parking in otherwise reserved spaces.
- Or whenever the Chief of Police or designee warrants such action
D. Revocation of Parking Privileges:
If an offender’s vehicle is towed from campus more than twice in the current academic year, that individual shall have their parking privileges revoked for the remainder of that academic year. Any student or employee who knowingly allows the use of their parking permit for any purpose other than the intended use will have their parking privileges revoked for the remainder of the current academic year. Vehicles that are parked on campus after privileges have been revoked will automatically be towed at the owner’s expense.
E. Unpaid Citations:
Persons or vehicles found in violation of the regulations governing traffic, parking, and the registration of motor vehicles for use on the campus of the UNC Asheville will be issued a citation, with penalties as indicated on the citation. All permit users must pay unpaid citations in full before a new permit can be issued.
Unpaid penalties owed by employees of UNC Asheville must be collected at least once annually under the provisions provided by North Carolina General Statute 143-55.3 (Conditional Continuing Employment).
Penalties not paid or cleared will result in one of the following actions:
1. Any person who owes outstanding parking citations to UNC Asheville will not be able to obtain a new parking permit until all fines have been paid, or a University payment plan has been established.
2. Unpaid penalties will be charged against an individual’s Banner account; payments for delinquent charges are made in the Cashier’s Office.
3. A hold will be placed on student records and transcripts until all remaining debts are paid.
4. The vehicle may be booted or towed.
IV. Parking Petition and Appeals Processes
A. Transportation Committee:
UNC Asheville has established a Transportation Committee composed of faculty, staff, and students. The Faculty Senate nominates two faculty members along with two other members serving as alternates. The Chancellor’s Staff Advisory Committee nominates two staff members along with two other members serving as alternates. The President of the Student Government Association nominates two students along with two other students serving as alternates. The group will annually select a chairperson from among its faculty and staff members and will meet to provide advice on transportation-related regulations and projects and/or to hear appeals for parking violations. Persons with delinquent parking fines, or persons who have received multiple citations for parking violations on campus, shall not be eligible to serve on the Transportation Committee.
B. Petition and Appeals Process:
In the appeals process, the UNC Asheville Parking Office acts under the authority of the Chief of Police. During the appeal process the Parking Office will review the following:
Parking Citation Notices:
- Individuals issued parking citations and other violation fines and those who have had their parking privileges suspended may appeal the penalty within 10 business days of the date of the citation or letter imposing punishment.
- Appeals should be submitted within ten business days utilizing the current appeal process
- All information requested on the appeal form must be provided to constitute a valid appeal.
- Only those appeals received during the 10 business day deadline will be reviewed.
- Petitioners will be notified within 14 business days by e-mail of the decision to waive, reduce, or uphold their appeal.
- If the appeal is waived, no further action is necessary.
- If the petition is upheld, the petitioner may appeal the decision to the Transportation Committee by submitting a formal request to the Parking Services Office within 10 business days of receipt of the denial notification.
- The individual filing the appeal will be notified of the time/date to appear before the Transportation Committee.
- The Transportation Committee is the final arbitrator of Parking Appeals.