I. Rationale
UNC Asheville creates enriching educational opportunities outside of the United States for students to complement their on-campus liberal arts experience, thus helping develop important skills and knowledge for successful engagement in a global community.
II. Purpose
As UNC Asheville seeks to provide a variety of opportunities outside of the U.S., the university strives to put the safety of students first as they engage in these important international experiences.
III. Scope
All students engaged in international travel hosted or sponsored by UNC Asheville, whether credit awarding or non-credit awarding, must abide by the UNC Asheville Student International Travel Policy for risk management and emergency support purposes.
IV. Definitions
“High Risk travel area” is defined as any location for which:
- The U.S. Department of State (DOS) has issued an overall Level 3 or 4 Travel Advisory.
- Areas deemed “high risk” by either the U.S. DOS within a Level One or Two Travel Advisory country.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Warning Level 3.
- UNC Asheville has restricted travel.
V. Policy
UNC Asheville looks to the U.S. Department of State, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other risk assessment metrics to determine its policy on University-sponsored or hosted international travel. In reference to the DOS Travel Advisory system, the UNC Asheville student international travel policy is as follows:
Students wishing to study in or travel to countries with a Level One or Two Travel Advisory will be presumptively approved to travel by the Study Abroad Office unless unusual risk factors dictate an alternative decision.
The University will not approve travel to High Risk travel areas without an authorized exception. Requests for authorized exceptions for travel to High Risk travel areas with a Level 4 Travel Advisory or Warning will be presumptively denied unless significant and exceedingly persuasive reasons or circumstances exist to support the request.
Requests for Authorized Exceptions for travel to High-Risk travel areas:
A request for an exception can be as follows:
- The employee leading faculty or staff led programs to High-Risk travel areas will make a request for an exception at the time of the program proposal submission to the Study Abroad Office. If circumstances change causing a destination to become a High-Risk travel area after the program proposal has been submitted, a request for exception must be filed within two weeks.
- Individual students traveling on a program other than a faculty or staff led program must request an exception at the time of the program application due date.
Required Information for Authorized Exception Requests:
The employee leading faculty or staff led programs, or the individual student(s), must submit the following information to the Director of Study Abroad:
- Statement of request for authorized exception including the University purpose and the need to study in or travel to the particular High Risk travel area.
- Proposed full itinerary.
- Detailed information regarding safety of the country/area to be visited. Resources may include the U.S. Department of State, the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as well as any relevant resources known to the traveler through professional networks.
- Explanation of precautions to be taken to mitigate or reduce risks.
- Documentation of an emergency plan supported by in-country providers, institutions and partners. Contact information must be included.
- Signed Release and Hold Harmless Agreement signed by student and their parent/guardian (if applicable). (Willingness of program director to have Release and Hold Harmless Agreement required for students to sign)
- Agreement to enroll in the University’s Study Abroad insurance plan.
The Request for Authorized Exception will be reviewed by the Travel Exception Advisory Group. This advisory group will make recommendations to the relevant Vice Chancellor or Director whose division or department is sponsoring or otherwise administering the travel (e.g. – authorized exceptions for intercollegiate athletic events taking place in High Risk travel areas considered by the Athletics Director).
This advisory group will be composed of the Director of Study Abroad, a member of the International Programs Advisory Committee (IPAC) and one Dean, (or representative from Student Affairs or Athletics if travel is sponsored through these divisions or departments) chosen in relation to the request and its location or institutional division.