HUM courses are capped at 22 students, and it is the general policy of the HUM Program, as well as a general UNC Asheville policy, not to grant Closed Class Overrides. Please do not contact instructors to get a Closed Class Override – we cannot grant them. Students seeking to enroll in a closed class should choose the Waitlist option.
Sections are made available based on perceived need and on the availability of faculty to teach them. We try to offer enough classes to allow all students to graduate in a timely way, and in some cases we can open new sections based on need. The only guarantee that you will be able to take a HUM course at a particular time, or during a particular semester, is that you register as soon as you are able to do so. Please work with your advisor on your schedule in advance to get the courses that you need and to be aware of other options if you register later than you are eligible to do so and find all HUM sections full.
During preregistration, especially in the spring, the course caps are lowered to allow entering transfer students and freshmen to find seats when they register during summer orientations. If all sections are filled during preregistration, it does not mean that you will not be able to take a HUM course the following semester. New sections may be opened in the summer, and occasionally in the winter break, and seats will open in current sections as students make other decisions. You should wait until registration reopens before the next semester, and check frequently to see when new sections and seats become available. It is possible but unlikely that new sections will be added in the week or two before a new semester. At that time you will have to check frequently for seats to open in current sections as students make other decisions. General requests for an override into a full course will not be granted.
Students seeking a seat in a course that is full should choose the Waitlist option. When you sign up for the Waitlist option and a seat becomes available, the 1st student on the Waitlist will receive an email notifying them that they have 24 HOURS from the date/time of the email to register for the class in OnePort. If the student does not register in the 24 hour period, their ability to register expires and the next student on the Waitlist is notified. Students should check their email daily for possible notification that they may register for a Waitlisted class. Students on the Waitlist are not automatically registered for the class – they must log in to OnePort and register themselves for the class.
Given the high rate of turnover just before a new semester and during drop/add, we encourage you to keep looking for opportunities. Remember that HUM courses are also offered during the summer and in Study Abroad.
Override Petition Form
If you regard your situation as an emergency, you may submit a request through the override petition form. (Please note that poor planning, being dropped from a course for failure to pay tuition or failing a course, instructor preference, or a restricted work schedule, do not constitute emergencies—but if you are senior needing a capstone course to graduate and all sections are full, submit a request.) In most cases I will want you to work with your advisor, so be sure to include her or him in the space on the form.