Sam Kaplan, Ph.D.
Director of the Center for Jewish Studies, Professor of MathematicsContact Information
- 232-5192
- 304 Rhoades/Robinson Hall
- B.S., 1990, University of North Carolina
- M.A., 1992, Boston University
- Ph.D., 1996, Boston University
Courses Taught
- MATH 155 Nature of Mathematics
- MATH 167 Precalculus
- MATH 191 Calculus I
- MATH 192 Calculus II
- MATH 273 Sp Top in MATH
- MATH 274 Math and Social Justice
- MATH 280 Foundations of Mathematics
- MATH 291 Calculus III
- MATH 365 Linear Algebra I
- MATH 366 Linear Algebra II
- MATH 368 Theory of Numbers
- MATH 373 ST:Chaos Theory
- MATH 373 ST:Math and Social Justice
- MATH 381 Problems in Mathematics
- MATH 394 Differential Equations
- MATH 395 Partial Differential Equations
- MATH 398 Complex Variables
- MATH 480 Mathematics Seminar
- MATH 491 Analysis I
- MATH 492 Analysis II
- MATH 499 Undergraduate Research in MATH
- DRAM 179 Math and Fabrics Arts
- ECON 373/MATH 373/POLS 373 ST:Voting Theory
- HIST 373/WMST 373 ST:Jewish Women in American History
- HUM 124 The Ancient World
- HUM 324 The Modern World, mid17th-20th Centuries
- MLA 560 Evolution and Algorithm
- RELS 373 Jewish Women and Religion
- RELS 3980Jewish Women and Religion
- Applications of Orthonormal Bases
- Co-Orbital Dynamics
Professional Interests
Differential Equations, chaos, math and music