Jeffrey Wilcox

Professor of Environmental Science

Contact Information

  • 232-5184
  • 159 Rhoades/Robinson Hall

Office Hours

  • Monday 10:30 am - 12:00 am
  • Wednesday 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
  • Note: And by appointment

Dr. Wilcox teaches upper-level courses in hydrogeology and environmental geochemistry and introductory courses in physical geology and Earth history. He also teaches Regional Field Geology and has taken groups of students on field trips throughout the Southeast and American West (from Montana to New Mexico, and California to Colorado). His research incorporates field studies and laboratory experiments and analyses to better understand local hydrologic issues.  Recent projects have included wetland hydrology in the recently-established Mountain Bogs National Wildlife Refuge, groundwater contamination at the CTS of Asheville Superfund site, and the transport of household chemicals through local soils.  He is also a licensed Professional Geologist (NC License #2500).


  • B.S. Hope College
  • M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Courses Taught

  • ENVS 105 Physical Geology
  • ENVS 106 Earth History
  • ENVS 130 Introduction to Environmental Science
  • ENVS 290 Regional Field Geology
  • ENVS 338 Hydrology and Hydrogeology
  • ENVS 363 Environmental Geochemistry
  • ENVS 480 Seminar on Environmental Issues

Professional Interests

  • Professional Memberships: Geological Society of America; National Association of Geoscience Teachers

Recent Publications

  • Wilcox, J., E. Bradshaw Marino*, A. Warwick, and M. Sutton, 2020, Hydrology of a Southern Appalachian hypocrene spring-fed fen: Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 359-366. doi: 10.2113/EEG-2308.
  • Wilcox, J.D.  [2019].  "Total solar eclipse effects on evapotranspiration captured by groundwater fluctuations in a Southern Appalachian fen."  HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES  2019:1-4.  doi: 10.1002/hyp.13419.
  • Wilcox, J.D. and K.M. Johnson*.  [2016].  "Trichloroethylene [TCE] in tree cores to complement a subsurface investigation on residential property near a former electroplating facility."  ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 188[587].  doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5603-x.
  • Wilcox, J.D., M.B. Gotkowitz, K.R. Bradbury, & J.M. Bahr.  [2010].  "Using groundwater models to evaluate strategies for drinking-water protection in rural subdivisions."  JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION  76[3]:295-304.
  • Wilcox, J.D., J.M. Bahr, C.J. Hedman, J.D.C. Hemming, M.A.E. Barman, & K.R. Bradbury.  [2009].  "Removal of organic wastewater contaminants in septic systems using advanced treatment technologies."  JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY  38:149-156.
  • Wilcox, J.D., K.R. Bradbury, C.L. Thomas, & J.M. Bahr.  [2005].  "Assessing background ground water chemistry beneath a new unsewered subdivision."  GROUND WATER  43[6]:787-795.
  • Wilcox, J.D., K.A. Stark, and R. Svetlov*, 2024, Estimating stream sediment loads into a Southern Appalachian mountain lake: Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 83, 387.
  • Peterson, J.W., N.S. Powers, K. Yeske, L.M. Peterson, and J.D. Wilcox, 2021, Reconnaissance study on adsorption of pharmaceuticals and personal care products to managed turf soils and associated oxide nanoparticles: Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 147, no. 11. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001920
  • Wilcox, J., E. Bradshaw Marino*, A. Warwick, and M. Sutton, 2020, Hydrology of a Southern Appalachian hypocrene spring-fed fen: Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 359-366. doi: 10.2113/EEG-2308.
  • Wilcox, J.D., 2019, Total solar eclipse effects on evapotranspiration captured by groundwater fluctuations in a Southern Appalachian fen: Hydrological Processes, vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 1538-1541. doi: 10.1002/hyp.13419 
  • Wilcox, J.D. and K.M. Johnson*, 2016, Trichloroethylene (TCE) in tree cores to complement a subsurface investigation on residential property near a former electroplating facility: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 188, 587. doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5603-x   

[NOTE:  *indicates undergraduate research co-author.]

Recent Presentations

  • Wilcox, J.D., J. McLean, and J.D. Gerst, 2020, Stormwater management in a Southern Appalachian fen. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Virtual).
  • *Lapkoff, M.A. and J.D. Wilcox, 2020, Modeling the impacts of stream incision on water levels in a
    Southern Appalachian fen. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Virtual).
  • Wilcox, J.D. and R. Reid. [2018].  "Hydrologic monitoring and management of groundwater-fed wetlands in the Southern Appalachians."  Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Ornelles, A.D.* and J.D. Wilcox. [2018].  "Investigating the role of montmorillonite clay on the transport of caffeine, bisphenol A, sulfamethoxozole, and carbamazepine in groundwater."  Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,  Indianapolis, IN.
  • Wilcox, J.D. and A. Warwick. [2017].  "Hydrologic response to fire and drought in a Southern Appalachian wetland."  Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Meeting, Richmond, VA.
  • Wilcox, J.D.  [2016].  "A case for more data to assess variability and long-term trends for TCE in ambient and indoor air."  Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
  • Anderson, S.* and J. Wilcox. [2016].  "Analyzing the relationship between bog turtle [Glyptemys muhlenbergii] distribution, soil, and hydrologic conditions in Western North Carolina."  National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Asheville, NC.
  • Landert, K.S.* and J. Wilcox. [2016].  "Comparing photographic and GIS-based applications for estimating canopy cover in Southern Appalachian bogs."  National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Asheville, NC.
  • Wilcox, J.D. [2015].  "Community engaged scholarship in the physical sciences:  Using a contaminated EPA Superfund site to promote the teaching, research, and community engagement mission at UNC Asheville."  Engagement Scholarship Consortium Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
  • Bradbury, K.R., T.W. Rayne, J.J. Krause, J.D. Wilcox, and C.J. Ptacek. [2014].  "Impacts of a rural subdivision on groundwater quality:  Documenting a transition from agriculture to residential land use."  Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC.
  • Ford, B.* and J. Wilcox. [2014].  "Evaluating pharmaceutical sorption to soils and ground water from an eastern North Carolina family farm."  National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Louisville, KY.
  • Wilcox, J.D. [2013].  "Dispelling the 'water-budget myth' in an undergraduate hydrogeology course."  Geological Society of America Annual Meeting [Denver, CO].
  • Wilcox, J.D. [2012].  "Novel fen ecosystems in western North Carolina."  American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting [San Francisco, CA].
  • Wilcox, J.D., M.L. Alexander, S.D. Dinsmore*, J.R. Simms*, and C.M. Tickle*. [2012].  "Toward a better understanding of hydrologic controls on mountain wetlands in the southern Appalachians."  Geological Society of America Annual Meeting [Charlotte, NC].  [Invited].
  • Svetlova, L.*, S. Wasileski, and J.D. Wilcox. [2012].  "Analysis of tricholorethene [TEC] accumulation by hybrid poplar trees planted in soil and grown hydroponically at a property contaminated with TCE."  American Chemical Society Southeastern Regional Meeting [Raleigh, NC].
  • Wilcox, J.D., K.M. Johnson*, and M.P. Wuttke*. [2011].  "Tricholorethylene [TCE] in tree cores collected at a contaminated spring complex in Asheville, NC."  Geological Society of America Annual Meeting [Minneapolis, MN].
  • *Kershner, S. and J. Wilcox., 2024, An analysis of rainfall, flooding, and impacts on federally-listed species in a Southern Appalachian wetland. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 56, no. 2. doi: 10.1130/abs/2024SE-398315
  • Wilcox, J.D., 2023, Quantifying sediment fluxes into Enka Lake, a Southern Appalachian community reservoir: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 55, no. 6. doi: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-395179
  • *Pasour, M and J. Wilcox, 2022, Hexavalent chromium reduction by mineral olivine: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 54, no. 4. doi: 10.1130/abs/2022NC-374922
  • Wilcox, J.D., J. McLean, and J.D. Gerst, 2020, Stormwater management in a Southern Appalachian fen. Geological Society of America Annual

Meeting (Virtual)

  • *Lapkoff, M.A. and J.D. Wilcox, 2020, Modeling the impacts of stream incision on water levels    in a Southern Appalachian fen. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Virtual).*McDonald, N.J. and J.D. Wilcox, 2019, Hydrologic restoration of a rare Southern Appalachian wetland. Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Meeting, Charleston (SC).
  • *Ornelles, A.D. and J.D. Wilcox, 2019, Investigating potential competitive adsorption and facilitated transport of caffeine on mobile clay minerals. Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Meeting, Charleston (SC).
  • Wilcox, J.D. and R. Reid, 2018, Hydrologic monitoring and management of groundwater-fed wetlands in the Southern Appalachians. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis (IN).
  • Ornelles, A.D* and J.D. Wilcox, 2018, Investigating the role of montmorillonite clay on the transport of caffeine, bisphenol A, sulfamethoxazole, and carbamazepine in groundwater. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis (IN)./
  • Wilcox, J.D. and A. Warwick, 2017, Hydrologic response to fire and drought in a Southern Appalachian wetland. Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Meeting, Richmond (VA).
  • Wilcox, J.D., 2016, A case for more data to assess variability and long-term trends for TCE in ambient and indoor air. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver (CO).
  • Anderson, S.* and J. Wilcox, 2016, Analyzing the relationship between bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) distribution, soil, and hydrologic conditions in Western North Carolina. National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Asheville (NC)
  • Landert, K, S.* and J. Wilcox, 2016, Comparing photographic and GIS-based applications for estimating canopy cover in Southern Appalachian bogs. National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Asheville (NC).

[NOTE: *indicates undergraduate research student co-presenter].