Jake Hagedorn

Assistant Professor of Environmental Science

Contact Information

  • jghagedo@unca.edu
  • 232-5183
  • 160 Rhoades/Robinson

Office Hours

  • Tuesday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Note: Or by appointment.


Jake teaches Soil Science, Energy and Society, Introduction to Environmental Science, and Agriculture. His research interests include biogeochemical cycling, agricultural ecosystems, and climate change. He is currently interested in assessing how different agricultural practices impact soil carbon and nitrogen cycling so we can better understand what techniques lead to more soil carbon sequestration, less greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigation of climate change.


  • B.S. UNC Asheville
  • M.S. Pennsylvania State University
  • Ph.D. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Courses Taught

  • ENVR 130 Intro to Environmental Science
  • ENVR 234 Energy and Society
  • ENVR 358 Agriculture
  • ENVR 385 Soils