Ellen Perry

Lecturer in English

Contact Information

    Office Hours

    • Monday 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
    • Wednesday 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
    • Note: And by appointment


    • Master of Arts in English with focus on Restoration/18th-Century British literature by women, 1999 (Appalachian State University)
    • Bachelor of Arts in Literature and Language with French minor, 1997 (UNC-Asheville)

    Favorite Quotation

    "I suppose she can sing, dance, and jabber a little French; but I'll be hang'd if she knows how to make a pye or a pudding." The History of Miss Betsy Thoughtless (1751), Eliza Haywood


    Ellen has been teaching at the college level for over two decades and loves learning with and from her students. Her academic interests include British literature, women's and gender studies, prison education, humanities, the world wars, and Southern/ Appalachian culture. Ellen enjoys writing, traveling, and playing with her stylish senior cat, Mlle. Coco Chanel.