Carla Hung

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Contact Information

  • 686-5007
  • 213 Zageir Hall

Office Hours

On Leave: Spring 2023


I’m a Cultural Anthropologist and work with the Eritrean refugee community on issues of communal care, trafficking, and political activism in a postcolonial context. While most of the work I’ve done with this community has been based in Italy, I’ve also spent time in refugee camps in northern Ethiopia and worked with migrants in North Africa and Northern Europe. My time with politically active Eritrean refugees has shown me what community can look like in the face of inequality, discrimination, and scarcity. I look forward to sharing some of those lessons with you. My dedication to the work of Cultural Anthropology lies in how committed the field is to listening, understanding and working with diverse communities. In my work, I spend a lot of time thinking about abolitionism, cultural bias in humanitarian institutions like political asylum, and how we can better advocate and care for one another. Looking forward to learning from and interacting with everyone at UNCA.