Andrew Laughlin

Associate Professor of Environmental Science

Contact Information

  • 250-3993
  • 161 Rhoades/Robinson Hall
Dr. Laughlin teaches Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Avian Ecology and Conservation, Wildlife Ecology and Management, Urban Ecology, and Global Change Ecology. His research interests include animal responses to environmental change, with a focus on birds. His avian research takes place in a variety of settings, from urban centers to high-elevation spruce-fir forests. Currently, he and his students are re-surveying bird communities in portions of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to understand how birds are responding to environmental changes there, including climate change and the recent Eastern Hemlock die-off. His urban bird research focuses on chimney swift roosting ecology in urban chimneys and the causes of and solutions to bird-window collisions on UNC Asheville campus.


  • ENVR 130  Introduction to Environmental Science
  • ENVR 241  Principles of Ecology & Field Biology
  • ENVR 344  Urban Ecology
  • ENVR 348  Avian Ecology & Conservation
  • ENVR 373  Techniques in Wildlife Ecology [special topics]
  • ENVR 373  Biodiversity in an Age of Extinction [special topics, Honors]
  • ENVR 373  Global Change Ecology [special topics, Honors]
  • ENVR 390  Wildlife Ecology & Management
  • ENVR 480  Environmental Seminar

Recent publications

  • Laughlin AJ, Pomara LY. 2023. Winter range shifts and their associations with species traits are heterogeneous in eastern North American birds. Ornithology. ukad027
  • Dunn PO, I Ahmed, E Armstrong, N Barlow, MA Barnard, M Bélisle, … AJ Laughlin, ... AR Ruegg*, … & LA Whittingham. 2023. Extensive regional variation in the phenology of insects and their response to temperature across North America. Ecology. e4036.
  • Laughlin AJ, Hudson TB*, Brewer-Jensen T*. 2022. Dynamics of an urban Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) roost system during autumn migration. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 134(2):269-277
  • Cheng Z, Gabriel S, Bhambhani P, Sheldon DR, Maji S, Laughlin AJ, & Winkler DW. 2019. Detecting and Tracking Communal Bird Roosts in Weather Radar Data. AAAI 2019.
  • Laughlin AJ, Hall RJ, & Taylor CM. 2019. Ecological determinants of pathogen transmission in communally roosting species. Theoretical Ecology
  • Laughlin, A.J., D.R. Sheldon, D.W. Winkler, & C.M. Taylor.  [2016].  "Quantifying non-breeding season occupancy patterns and the timing and drivers of autumn migration for a migratory songbird using Doppler radar."  Ecography 39[10], 1017-1024.
  • Taylor CM, AJ Laughlin, RJ Hall. 2016. The response of migratory populations to phenological change: a migratory flow network modelling approach. Journal of Animal Ecology 85(3):648-659.
  • Fairhurst, G.D., L.L. Berzins, D.W. Bradley, A.J. Laughlin, A. Romano, M. Romano, et al.  [2015].  "Assessing costs of carrying geolocators using feather corticosterone in two species of aerial insectivore".  ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE 2:  150004.
  • Laughlin, A.J., D.R. Sheldon, D.W. Winkler & C.M. Taylor.  [2014].  "Drivers of communal roosting in a songbird:  a combined theoretical and empirical approach.  BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY 25:734-743.
  • Laughlin, A.J., C.M. Taylor, D.W. Bradley, D. LeClair, R.G. Clark, R.D. Dawson, et al.  [2013].  "Integrating information from geolocators, weather radar, and citizen science to uncover a key stopover area of an aerial insectivore".  THE AUK 130[2]:230-239.
  • Laughlin, A.J., I. Karsai, F.J. Alsop III.  [2013].  "Habitat partitioning and niche overlap of two forest thrushes in the Southern Appalachian spruce-fir forests".  THE CONDOR 115[2]:394-402.
[NOTE:  *indicates undergraduate research co-author.]