Amber Chapman
Public Health Advisor of Clinical PartnershipsContact Information
- achapma3@unca.edu
Amber Chapman is the Public Health Advisor for Clinical Partnerships at the NC Center for Health and Wellness. She earned a BS in Gerontology at Appalachian State University in 2017 and is currently working towards her MPH in place-based public health. Throughout her career, Amber has served older adults in North Carolina in a variety of roles including Housing Specialist, Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Family Caregiver Support Specialist, Health Promotion Specialist, and most recently, the Fall Prevention Project Manager at Appalachian State University. She is committed to advocating for the health and safety of adults in North Carolina, and she is a regional leader in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within evidence-based health programs. Amber has experience working with clinicians to develop referral routes for fall prevention programs, leading her regional fall prevention coalition, and delivering state and national presentations on her work. In her free time, Amber enjoys spending time with her two large dogs, dancing, and hosting joyful get-togethers with her family and friends.