NC Falls Prevention Coalition Hosts “Powerful Innovative Practices to Prevent Falls” Conference, March 3

February 16, 2023

The NC Falls Prevention Coalition and the NC Center for Health and Wellness will host a falls prevention conference online and in-person on Friday, March 3 at the Friday Center for Continuing Education on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill. 

Falls are the number one cause of unintentional injury death for North Carolinians 65 and older. The “Powerful Practices to Prevent Falls” hybrid conference will connect attendees with information to help prevent falls and empower older adults to age well and stay falls-free.  

“Falling is not a normal part of aging and our hope is that people will learn about the risk factors and take action to reduce the risk.” said Ellen Bailey, senior project manager for fall prevention at the NC Center for Health & Wellness. “While the consequences of a fall are more severe for older adults, falls can be prevented!”

This conference will provide an opportunity for older adults, caregivers, health care providers, and community organizations to learn how to prevent falls and take steps to reduce their risk. It will focus on topics related to home safety modifications, aging in place, high risk medications that may increase fall risk, the connection between hearing and balance, and falls prevention programs available in North Carolina.  

There will be opportunities for attendees to meet others working to raise awareness, share ideas about ways to prevent falls in their community, network, and learn about innovative products and technologies to prevent falls. The NC Falls Prevention Coalition is working to expand partnerships across all 100 counties in NC and collaborate with seven regional falls prevention coalitions. During the conference, attendees will also have the opportunity to connect with state and/or local coalitions to join the effort to prevent falls in NC.

For more information about the conference and to register, visit
