
The hiring process for supervisors is detailed at the bottom of this page. Additional resources related to the hiring process can be found in the ‘Resources & Forms’ tab.

Responsibilities of On-Campus Supervisors

  • Adhere to all policies and procedures detailed in the Student Employment Policy and communicated by the department head. This includes the Payroll + Timekeeping guidelines.
  • Complete an On-Campus Student Employment Evaluation for each semester the student is employed and discuss evaluation with the student employee. 
  • Complete Supervisor Training as outlined by the Career Center to ensure uniform and consistent compliance with the student employment policies and procedures for their department.
  • Complete the Student Employment Change Form if any of the following occurs:
    • The funding source for a position changes
    • The student graduates, is academically suspended, or takes a leave of absence before their contract end date
    • A student’s position is terminated prior to the contract end date; include a written justification
  • If hourly pay rate or stipend payment changes for a position, a new Student Employment Agreement must be completed. 

Things to Consider

There are several things to do and consider before creating a job description and posting to Bulldog NetWORK.

  • What will the student employee be doing? Think about the tasks, projects, and responsibilities you’d like a student employee to work on. You’ll use this information to build out the job description. The ‘Job Posting Template + Example’ in the ‘Resources & Forms’ tab outlines what information is needed for a Bulldog NetWORK job posting.
  • How many hours do you anticipate you’d like the student employee to work each week? Typically, we see about 10 hours/week for student employee positions. During the academic year, student employees cannot work more than 28 total hours inclusive of all on-campus positions. During winter and summer breaks, student employees cannot work more than 40 total hours inclusive of all on-campus positions.
  • What will the hourly rate of pay be? The minimum hourly rate is the NC minimum wage ($7.25). Positions funded by the Student Employment Grant or Federal Work Study funds are required to pay a minimum of $12/hour.

Creating a New Student Employment Position

There are two important things to determine when creating a new position before starting the hiring process by posting the position on Bulldog NetWORK.

  • How will the position be funded? Most positions are funded directly out of departmental budgets. Is there money in your department’s budget to compensate a student employee? Another way student employee positions are funded is through the Student Employment Grant process, where departments submit proposals for positions, proposals are reviewed, and a grant is transferred from either the Student Employment Fund or the Federal Work Study (FWS) fund – which is determined based on the specific student being / whether they’re eligible for FWS or not. (see SEG page for more information).
    • Did you know? There are three types of student employees on campus: non-FWS students, FWS-eligible students, and international students. More information about each type of student employee can be found under the ‘Student Employees’ tab in the left hand menu.
  • Do you have a Bulldog NetWORK account? Bulldog NetWORK is an online platform that all on-campus positions are required to be posted to.
    • Yes. – Great, you’ll use your account to post the student employment position. Read through the ‘Details of Hiring Process’ for next steps.
    • No, but someone in my office does. – If that person will be posting the student employee position and then forwarding you any applications, then just make sure to connect with them and make sure they have all of the details they need. The ‘Job Posting Template + Example’ in the ‘Resources & Forms’ tab outlines what information is needed for a Bulldog NetWORK job posting.
    • No, but I need one / want to have full access to application. – Email requesting an account. We’ll provide a specific link that ensures your profile is attached to the correct department.

Hiring Process for Supervisors

If you are rehiring a student employee, you will simply complete a new Student Employment Agreement (SEA) for that student/position. 

If you are not rehiring a student employee, you will follow the steps outlined below.

  • Step 1: Using the NACE Career Readiness Competencies and a flexible template provided by the Career Center, write the position description and post to Bulldog NetWORK to ensure fair and equal access to all students.
  • Step 2: Review applications, interview qualified candidates utilizing best practices provided by the Career Center, and make hiring decision(s).
  • Step 3: Complete the online Student Employment Agreement (SEA), where you will also identify a Time Sheet Proxy.
  • Step 4: Remind student employees that if this is their first on-campus position, they must complete all required paperwork with Human Resources before they can begin working.
  • Note: International students require a Social Security Number in order to be hired on-campus. If you are hiring an international student, please direct them to our international students working on-campus webpage.
  • Once the SEA and all required documents are submitted, Payroll will enter the student employee information into Banner, which allows access to timesheets through the ‘Employment’ tab in OnePort. It may take several days for this processing to happen, so if you don’t see the ‘Employment’ tab in OnePort give it a couple of days. 
  • You will receive an email confirming the student is able to begin working.