FY24 & FY25 Student Affairs Budget Guidelines

1) Student Employment Approval Update (from ‘A Note from MHW: Feb 16’ email)

All FY24 and FY25 student employment requests should be submitted via email to Meg Geiger at mgeiger1@gmail.com before the position is posted.

  • Aligned with our current practice, any vacant student position must be approved before posting, including work-study positions. FY24 student employment new hiring has been frozen and will not be processed without express written approval from the VCSA and must be submitted using our SA position approval process. Student Employment will require documented approval before supporting new requests.

2) Planning Ahead for Hiring Student Employees for FY25

  • FY25 student employment hiring is under review for reduction and realignment. All supervisors will be required to work directly with their supervisor and AVC to determine the scope of student employment hiring for FY25. All student employment hiring for FY25 will require final approval by the appropriate AVC and must be submitted using our SA position approval process. Student Employment will require documented approval before supporting new requests.
  • To be proactive and gather as much information as possible about student employment needs campus-wide, Cate Marshall (Associate Director for Student Employment Development) will be meeting with supervisors and departments throughout the next several weeks. If you supervise or support student employment in your area, schedule a time to meet with Cate Marshall in February or March through this link. If you don’t see a time that works and/or would like to meet as a department or team, please email studentemployment@unca.edu with days/times that work for you and we’ll get it on the calendar.